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Life Drawing Workshop

March 27th & 28th 9am - 5.30pm

Over two days we will explore a few different techniques and strategies to help give some understanding of how best to tackle representing the the human form. The art of life drawing is not a 'quick fix' but there are certain exercises and tips that can help and I will be teaching some of these in this first workshop. Different materials and tools play a big part and throw up different challenges - this first workshop will feature charcoal and putty rubber techniques, chalk pastel , ink and some 'blind' drawing (all materials provided) This workshop will be the female nude and will be a general introduction to the study of the figure - there will be further workshops too featuring different models and using different techniques and materials. These sessions are actively tutored by myself, I have been teaching life drawing for over 20yrs. Suitable for all levels of artist.

bring :- water bottle & apron

all equipment and materials provided

along with tea/coffee, (people bring own lunch)

cost :-  $400 (for 2 days)

8 spaces available   Booking essential

a deposit of $200 is required to secure a place

this can be refunded should the workshop not go ahead for any reason.

payable to me  - L Bucknall 12-3015-0538181-00

(save date in case of lockdown- May 29th & 30th )

N.B. Mastering Art Retreat is a new venture here in kerikeri.

My aim is to offer self contained cabin accommodation for the workshop attendees who do not live locally. At presentI have limited capacity for stay overs - only space to pitch a tent or camper at minimal extra cost TBA . There is however a big beautiful pool up and running and taps around the place for water  - a work in progress !

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